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Find millions of flashcards with the best free flashcard app!

Anki? Quizlet? Brainscape? Ain't nobody got time for that! Make studying fun, fast, and super effective with our intelligent flashcards and quizzes feature. Create your own or search for what you need in our extensive flashcards library.

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Instantly create flashcards directly from your uploaded documents

It's the simplest equation: uploading your study materials plus using our magic marker to highlight important parts equals your own automatically generated flashcard. No time wasting here!

See how much you know with expertly created quizzes for all your subjects

Test and improve your knowledge to give your grades a boost with our quizzes and earn points, badges, and trophies for studying like a champion!

Access millions of shared flashcards from students just like you

Sharing is caring! Whether you're in a study group or prefer studying alone, StudySmarter users share thousands of flashcards each month to improve your knowledge on all your subjects. Learn from others for an awesome learning experience.

It's in the science. Learn flashcards effectively with our Spaced Repetition Algorithm

Our intelligent flashcard trainer adapts to your study performance to optimise how and what you learn. Learn in a flash, retain more information, and shine bright as a student!

But wait, we've got more features for you!

Smart Formatting

Have fun creating your flashcards with colours, images, and other visual aids.

Multiple Choice

Test your knowledge and reward yourself with gamified multiple-choice quizzes.

Offline Mode

Have 20 minutes to study on the train? Study your flashcards anytime, anywhere.