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StudySmarter - The all-in-one study app.
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StudySmarter: The Free Learning Alternative to SaveMyExams

In the expansive world of e-learning platforms, pinpointing the ideal fit for your academic journey can be a daunting task. In this piece, we spotlight two noteworthy contenders: SaveMyExams and StudySmarter. We will meticulously compare the two by examining their distinct features, pricing, benefits, and potential drawbacks to give you a comprehensive understanding of each educational tool.

Compare Savemyexams vs StudySmarter for the number one free learning app to improve your grades, StudySmarter Magazine

What is SaveMyExams?

We all know the importance of effective revision when it comes to acing exams. The common challenge, however, is finding quality resources that give you the edge you need. SaveMyExams does exactly this.

SaveMyExams is an online learning platform that was founded in 2017 to provide comprehensive resources for students preparing for major examinations. Each subject is carefully thought-out and organized in an easy-to-navigate manner. Resources include:

  • Revision materials and notes
  • Revision videos
  • Past examination papers
  • Mark schemes
  • Topic questions
  • Exam tips

All of these resources are crafted by experienced teachers who know the ins and outs of the examination boards and what they’re looking for in a perfect answer. The platform is accessible from anywhere and is designed to be user-friendly.

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Excel in your exams with free teacher-verified explanations and thousands of flashcards.

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Importance of SaveMyExams in Online Learning

SaveMyExams covers material in GCSE, AS, A Level, O Level, IB, and AP, meaning it is a pretty strong competitor in the UK and US AP exams.

Some unique advantages of using SaveMyExams in your online learning journey include:

  • Flexibility and convenience of studying from anywhere.
  • Highly experienced educators prepare all materials.
  • Ability to focus your revision on specific topics.
  • Real-time tracking of your revision progress.

Can You Use SaveMyExams for Free?

While SaveMyExams does offer some free resources without sign up, most of the content is accessible through a variety of subscription plans.

SaveMyExams Plans Price / Month Features
Basic £0 per month (no sign up needed) Limited Access, Past Papers, 10 Revision Notes, Videos (Maths and Science)
Nerd Out £5 per month (billed yearly) Unlimited Access, Past Papers, Revision Notes, Topic Questions, Model Answers, Videos (Maths and Science), Downloadable PDFs
Geek Out £10 per month (billed every three months) Unlimited Access, Past Papers, Revision Notes, Topic Questions, Model Answers, Videos (Maths and Science), Downloadable PDFs
Freak Out £25 per month (billed every month) Unlimited Access, Past Papers, Revision Notes, Topic Questions, Model Answers, Videos (Maths and Science), Downloadable PDFs


SaveMyExams User Experience Review

Experience is a critical aspect of any online learning platform. A good user experience makes learning enjoyable and efficient. Now, let’s delve into the SaveMyExams learning platform:

An Honest SaveMyExams Review

From a user’s perspective, SaveMyExams has a clean, well-organized layout. Navigating the site is straightforward, with topics and resources well-organized into categories and sub-categories. Clicking on any category reveals a dropdown of sub-categories showing additional details about the topics.

Moreover, filtering resources based on the exam board is a breeze, making SaveMyExams user-friendly and highly customizable to your learning needs. It is evident that the platform prioritizes user convenience as evident by the accessible links to resources and user-friendly design.

The quality of the resources is, without a doubt, top-notch. The revision guides are concise but comprehensive, covering all aspects of the syllabus. Furthermore, past paper questions are collated topic-wise accompanied by detailed mark schemes explaining how to tackle each question for maximum points. As such, it becomes easier to benchmark your performance.

By incorporating ‘Topic Questions’, SaveMyExams goes the extra mile to ensure in-depth understanding and application of knowledge. These are questions specifically tailored to individual chapters, allowing you to practice and master each subclass within your syllabus.

Even though a subscription is required to access a majority of the resources, the fee is well justified considering the quality and volume of the materials you get.

Navigating the Challenges of SaveMyExams

Despite the many merits of using SaveMyExams, you may encounter some challenges as with any online learning platform.

  • One of the initial challenges you might face when using SaveMyExams is working out the platform. With the array of resources available, it can be a bit overwhelming for new users. The key here is to spend some time exploring the site, making note of the search functionality and layout of resources.
  • Another challenge that you might come across is the need for a subscription. While limited resources are available for free; to leverage the full potential of SaveMyExams, a subscription is required.
  • Lastly, whileSaveMyExams does a stellar job assisting with exam preparation, it is crucial to remember that it is not a substitute for regular classes, teachers, or textbooks. You still need to attend your lessons and learn concepts from teachers and textbooks. SaveMyExams should be perceived as a tool to augment your regular studies by aiding effective revision.

StudySmarter: The Free Flashcard App Alternative

Unlike the Anki app, the StudySmarter app (web and mobile) is COMPLETELY free! There’s no monthly plans like what SaveMyExams offers– all of our explanations, study sets, flashcards, study plan, note-taking tool, and textbook solutions are all free. Sounds wonderful, right? You just need to create your account, tell us a bit about you so that we can create a tailored study plan for you, and voila – you’ll officially be a smarter student 🤓.

Check out our posts dedicated to our app and how it works, so we won’t repeat ourselves!

Moreover, StudySmarter also offers study tips and advice for exam revision so you can feel confident in your academic success!

User Experience

Overall, we would say we have a much better user interface and user experience, and our mobile app offers a lot more than SaveMyExams. Our blue and green colour theme (if we base this on the psychology of colours) is also meant to be calming and relaxing, which is what you need when you’re stressed with your studies. Navigating the web and mobile apps is much easier than SaveMyExams as their subject and exam board list can seem endless and hard to find what you need for your learning needs. With StudySmarter, you can also access and create your own study sets so you’ll have everything stored in one place (notes, summaries, explanations, and flashcards).

Here at StudySmarter, we believe that digital education will improve the well-being of our world. We want to shape the future of education by empowering all learners to achieve their educational goals free of charge! That’s why we leverage the power of new technology to bring you a powerful app with features like flashcards, summaries, and quizzes to make studying easier, smarter, and more fun (yes, fun!).

StudySmarter’s Flashcards

Our flashcards feature is something we’re really proud of. With our flashcards (you can browse millions created by other students or create your own), you can assess how confident you are with each one, and we’ll always show you the most relevant flashcards based on your answers to help you learn more effectively. Plus, if you want to create your own flashcards, you’ll have a lot more creative freedom – we have tons of formatting tools, including the ability to draw freehand, change the background colour, and insert equations. You can also import flashcards you may have elsewhere (such as with Quizlet), and you can add hints to your flashcards, too!

Finally, StudySmarter’s flashcard feature also offers spaced repetition to help with your memory retention and optimise how and what you learn! Amazing!

StudySmarter’s Subjects

StudySmarter currently offers StudySmarter Original Study Sets (which come with explanations, FAQs, and flashcards) on the following topics:

  • Biology
  • Business Studies
  • Chemistry
  • Combined Science
  • Computer Science
  • Economics
  • English Language
  • English Literature
  • Geography
  • History
  • Law
  • Math
  • Physics
  • Politics
  • Psychology
  • Social Studies
As you can see, StudySmarter has content on both STEM and humanities subjects, including English Language and Literature. We offer more, for less. Way less. Our all-in-one learning platform is completely free. Access expert-verified explanations, smart flashcards, and a study planner with analytics. At no cost to you. Not now, not ever.

School Level

StudySmarter focuses on high school and college-level subjects, including the A-Level, AP, and University curricula. Also, students can share their own content on our platform, so if you search for your university in the app, you’ll find content specific to your courses and university!

Test Prep

Whereas the SaveMyExams app appears to focus primarily on the UK schooling system (or countries following a similar curriculum), StudySmarter offers specific exam prep for the US schooling system too. We offer prep for the SATs, ACTs, AP-Level, GCSE, A-Levels, and University.


StudySmarter is available in English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, and Turkish (with more to come!).

Exploring SaveMyExams Alternatives

Every student has unique learning needs that dictate the kind of study resources that work best for them. Despite the exemplary offerings of Savemyexams, it may not be the ideal fit for everyone. While both SaveMyExams and StudySmarter serve the same purpose of providing a comprehensive online learning platform, there are fundamental differences to be aware of when choosing between them.

Firstly, SaveMyExams is primarily known for its rich repository of past papers, revision notes, and mark schemes, while StudySmarter brings an innovative approach with automated flashcards, mind maps, and interactive quizzes.

StudySmarter is an AI-driven educational software that utilises machine learning to create customised study plans, revision tools, and learning resources based on personal learning practices and progress.

Here’s a comparison of the two:

Rubric SaveMyExams StudySmarter
Learning Tools Revision Notes, Past Papers, Mark Schemes and Topic Questions Flashcards, Interactive Quizzes, Spaced Repetition, Mock exams, and Customized Study Plans
Access Paid Subscription for most resources Completely free
Resource Customisation Based on Exam Boards AI-driven personalisation and expert-verified content

Despite these distinct differences, both platforms offer high-quality resources designed to improve learning outcomes.

StudySmarter: A Worthy UK Alternative to SaveMyExams

It’s recommended to explore both alternatives and possibly even use a combination of resources for a varied and comprehensive learning experience. By keeping your options open, you will likely find the perfect mix of resources to boost your progress and help achieve your academic goals. SaveMyExams’s past papers and mark schemes could be used for targeted exam revision while StudySmarter advanced and adaptive learning supports your daily learning and understanding of concepts with its flashcards and personalised study plans.

However, we’re going to give StudySmarter a pat on the back as a worthy UK alternative to SaveMyExams because apart from focusing on the UK school curriculum, we also focus on the US curriculum (and our learning platform is all about promoting active learning!).

Both SaveMyExams and StudySmarter have their own fantastic features and learning materials, but if you really want an all-in-one learning platform (with an awesome app) where you can truly take your GCSE and A Level studies into your own hands, StudySmarter is definitely a great option! We’ve got everything you need to succeed, neatly packed into a powerful app.

Join over 90% of students getting better grades!

That’s a pretty good statistic. Download our free all-in-one learning app and start your most successful learning journey yet. Let’s do it!

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SaveMyExams: Frequently Asked Questions

What is SaveMyExams?

SaveMyExams is an online learning platform based in the UK that provides revision resources for GCSE and A-level students. The platform offers revision notes, topic questions, video tutorials, and past paper solutions to help students prepare for their exams. Furthermore, it also provides teaching resources that aid teachers in preparing their lessons. SaveMyExams caters to a wide range of subjects including Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and more.

Is SaveMyExams free?

SaveMyExams offers both free and paid resources. You can access a number of study materials, revision notes, and past papers for free. However, for more comprehensive revision resources, including detailed study notes, revision plans, priority support and more, you need to subscribe to their paid membership. The cost varies based on the level of study and duration of the subscription.

Is SaveMyExams good?

Yes, SaveMyExams is a highly useful resource. It provides detailed revision notes, video tutorials, and a large variety of practice questions and past papers. It covers a wide range of subjects and exam boards making it an effective tool for exam preparation. Many students have given positive feedback about the platform.

Why is StudySmarter better than SaveMyExams?

StudySmarter offers a more comprehensive learning platform than SaveMyExams. It utilises AI to create individualised student learning plans, offers more diverse learning materials like flashcards, and has a feature for creating summary notes. In addition, StudySmarter provides a collaborative learning environment where students can share notes and learn from each other. Lastly, it covers a wider range of subjects and is accessible on more devices.