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The physical quantities in physics are what we can measure or sense in an object or a phenomenon. Let’s take a rock as a simple example.
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Jetzt kostenlos anmeldenThe physical quantities in physics are what we can measure or sense in an object or a phenomenon. Let’s take a rock as a simple example.
A rock has several properties, and we can feel some of them using our senses:
There are other, more complex properties that you can sense, such as electrical charge or luminosity.
Another physical quantity that we can sense is the electrical charge of an object.
A classic example of this is when you rub your pullover against a balloon. It will exchange a charge with the balloon via the friction. Small electrical charges from the balloon will stick to the pullover, which will gain more charge than it had before.
If you pass your hand over the pullover close a metal object, the electrical charge will jump to the metal and give you a small shock. This happens because of the charge difference between your pullover and the metal. The more you rub your pullover against the balloon, the larger the electrical discharge will be when making contact with the metal.
This small electrical charge you can feel is commonly named electrostatic charge, and it is defined as a lack or excess of electrons in a material – in this case, your pullover.
Luminosity is another property we can feel with our senses – in this case, our sense of sight.
If you go for a run in the late afternoon, you will feel the difference in environmental luminosity. The source of this is the sun, and your eyes register the luminosity using light-sensitive cells.
As the light dims towards sunset, less light enters your eyes. This lack of light causes a lower signal to the cells, which informs you about the change in luminosity.
There are quantities that we cannot sense correctly, such as the number of molecules that compose an object, which is known as the ‘amount of substance’. We can, however, sense the difference in this physical quantity after making some deductions and using our intuition.
We know intuitively that a piece of iron weighs more than a piece of carbon. We might take a sample of both, which have the same number of atoms or ‘X’. Looking at the periodic table, we find that the carbon atom has six neutrons and six protons, while the iron atom has 26 neutrons and protons.
In atomic chemistry and atomic physics, neutrons and atoms are the particles that have most of the atom’s mass, meaning that the sample of iron weighs more even if it has the same X number of atoms as the carbon atom.
This ‘X’ quantity in science is known as the mol.
There is another property that we can measure and sense, which is not related to any object. This property is ‘time’, and its units are seconds.
Time is the property that tells us in which direction processes should go, as in the following examples:
On a cold day, a warm mug of tea or coffee gets cold because of the heat escaping to the cold air. The process always goes warm to cold if nothing intervenes. The period it takes from warm to cold is what we call a period of time.
The breaking of a mug always occurs in one direction – from having a complete mug to having a broken one.
In science and engineering, we have many different units to measure the properties of an object (its physical quantities). In the modern world, we use a system of units named the SI system.
Units are values that have been agreed upon, serving to compare the physical quantities of an object. There are units for every physical property, from the mass to the quantity of a substance. The units used for the seven basic physical properties are named basic units, one of which is the kilogram.
Physical quantities allow us to compare two or more objects or phenomena indirectly by using units we know, such as the metre or kilogram. Here is a simple explanation:
We can define a single length or ‘base length’ to compare all other lengths. If we make arrangements for everyone to use the same length, this becomes a value to measure other lengths against.
That value is what we call a ‘unit’, and the comparison of an object against it is what we know as ‘measuring’. That comparison against a value we know and keep constant is how units help us to measure. Let’s take another simple example that will be useful to define a very well-known unit.
A rock has a certain weight, but we need a reference to compare it against. The reference, in this case, is the weight of a litre of water. The rock can weigh a fraction of this unit, or it can weigh several times more than this unit.
If our rock weighs 2.3 times the weight of the litre of water, it means that its weight is two times the litre of water plus 30%.
Before 2019, the weight of a litre of water was the base for the unit we now call ‘kilogram’ in the SI system of units. In our example above, the rock, therefore, weighs 2.3 kilograms.
The SI system is a standard that contains units for the seven basic properties. The system also uses prefixes and mathematical notations (standard forms) to name and annotate large and small numbers, respectively.
Prefixes are placed before the unit’s name to indicate its value. Examples of this are the millimetre and the decametre.
Standard forms are systems of power to express large and small values. Examples of this are:
\(1,000,000 = 1 \cdot 10^6\)
\(0.000,000,000,000,2 = 2 \cdot 10^{-12}\)
All physical quantities that we can measure have been standardised, and so each property has a related unit:
The SI system of units also contains derived units that are used to measure more complex quantities. The derived units are a combination of the seven basic units. A brief list of some derived units can be found below:
Each derived unit measures a more complex property, and some of them have their own names. For example, the unit of energy is the Joule, while the unit of pressure is the Pascal.
Units possess dimensions, which is the name given to the physical quantities they describe. The metre and kilogram have dimensions of ‘length’ and ‘mass’, respectively. Each of the seven basic physical properties we can measure works as a dimension:
Each derived unit possesses a combination of dimensions. This expression is sometimes named dimensional formula and expresses the properties composing the units.
To express any quantity in its dimensional form, we need to express it in its basic units and then replace this with the dimensions. Two basic examples are given below:
Express the speed in its dimensional form. As speed is expressed in metres per second or m/s, its dimensions are length and time, expressed as L and T.
\(Speed = m/s = L/T = L \cdot T^{-1}\)
Express density in its dimensional form. Density is equal to kilograms over volume; kilograms have dimensions of mass or M, and volumes have dimensions of cubic meters or length L at the 3rd power.
\(Density = M/L3 = M \cdot L^{-3}\)
Each unit has its own dimensional form.
The physical quantities of a physical object or a phenomenon are the properties you can sense or measure in an object.
In the SI system, the seven basic units are: metre, kilogram, ampere, mol, candela, second, and kelvin.
Each unit has its own dimensional formula.
Flashcards in Physical Quantities and Units125
Start learningWhat is a unit?
A unit is a standard reference used for measuring.
Why are units important?
What is the SI system?
How many basic units does the SI have?
How are derived units composed?
They are composed of the SI basic units.
What are the seven basic units of the SI?
The second, mole, kilogram, kelvin, metre, candela, and ampere.
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